The Tennessee Water Resources Research Center (TNWRRC) is a federally designated state research institute supported in part by the U.S. Geological Survey. It serves water resource experts in academia, government, and the private sector, and works to establish productive partnerships within these sectors. TNWRRC is part of the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment (ISSE) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
TNWRRC’s mission is to coordinate research, education, community outreach activities, and training across the state of Tennessee among government agencies, universities, and private sector professionals.
TNWRRC is the state representative for the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR), as authorized by Section 104 of the State Water Resources Research Act of 1984. TNWRRC is one of 54 WRRI institutes and centers in the US.
The State Water Resources Research Act Program is a Federal-State partnership in which TNWRRC:
- Is a primary link among water resource experts in academia, government, and the private sector that strive to solve regional water resources issues in Tennessee
- Promotes research, education, community outreach, and student training for scientists and engineers through research participation
- Provides state-wide annual competitive research grants under the 104b Program
- Stimulates research collaboration among the USGS and state universities in support of the national water resources issues funded through the 104g Program.